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Việt Nam to attend 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Cambodia on August 2-6

There will also be meeting between foreign ministers of ASEAN and partner countries within the framework of ASEAN+1, ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit (EAS), including the first ASEAN-UK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting since the UK became partner dialogue to ASEAN


Deputy spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — At the invitation of the Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bùi Thanh Sơn will lead a Vietnamese delegation at the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-55) held in Phnom Penh from August 2-6.

There will also be meeting between foreign ministers of ASEAN and partner countries within the framework of ASEAN+1, ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit (EAS), including the first ASEAN-UK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting since the UK became partner dialogue to ASEAN, according to deputy spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng.

Minister Sơn, along with other foreign ministers of ASEAN, will be attending the meeting of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Commission and the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights.

As the country coordinator of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea relations, Minister Sơn and RoK counterpart Park Jin will co-chair the meeting.

This is the year’s most important series of meetings among ASEAN foreign ministers and between foreign ministers of ASEAN and outside partner countries.

At the AMM55, the foreign ministers will be discussing ASEAN priorities for cooperation in 2022, the process of building the ASEAN Community, the directions for ASEAN development for 2025, COVID-19 response, ASEAN external relations, ASEAN centrality, as well as other relevant regional and international issues.

The meetings between ASEAN and partner countries will focus on the assessment and future directions for the partnership between ASEAN and partners, and discussions of international and regional issues of mutual concerns.

As usual, senior officials of ASEAN will meet on August 1 to prepare for the AMM.

Ascension to ASEAN

Asked on the ascension of Việt Nam to ASEAN 27 years ago (July 28, 1995), deputy spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng in a press briefing said since joining ASEAN, Việt Nam has increasingly proved itself to be a responsible and active member of the group as well as the international community.

Việt Nam’s admission to the bloc marked an important milestone in the country's extensive regional and international integration.

She said Việt Nam has promoted extensive integration in politics, economy, diplomacy and all other aspects of life with other countries and organisations around the world

Việt Nam and other member countries have actively built the ASEAN Community from politics, economy, culture and society, while especially giving priority to strengthening ASEAN connectivity.

During the process, Việt Nam and other ASEAN members have expanded relations with many partners around the world, Hằng said, adding that more and more countries want to become partners of ASEAN. — VNS


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