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Việt Nam’s defence diplomacy reports significant achievements

Việt Nam has taken an active and responsible part in defence diplomacy activities, contributing to building trust, maintaining friendships with other countries, safeguarding national territorial sovereignty and strengthening defence potential, heard a conference on Thursday.

Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Hoàng Xuân Chiến speaks at the meeting. — VNA/VNS Photo 

The event was held by the Ministry of National Defence to review Việt Nam’s international integration and defence diplomacy between 2016 and 2021.

It was reported that in the period under review, defence diplomacy was deployed concertedly, comprehensively, flexibly and effectively across many aspects, recording important achievements. The bilateral defence cooperation with countries has been consolidated and deepened practically.

So far, Việt Nam has defence relations with more than 100 countries, including the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The country has also been active and responsible in multilateral defence diplomacy activities, strengthening strategic trust and improving the position and prestige of the country and the Việt Nam People's Army in the international arena. It has also actively and responsibly joined and proposed valuable initiatives related to defence and security at regional and international cooperation mechanisms.

Việt Nam has expanded its involvement in the UN peacekeeping operations, which has helped build Việt Nam's image.

Regarding cooperation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of National Defence has worked with agencies to effectively implement this work and the vaccine diplomacy strategy.

In addition, Việt Nam has attended and hosted international military sports festivals and recorded remarkable cooperation achievements in overcoming post-war consequences, handling the Agent Orange/Dioxin pollution and the unexploded bombs and mines.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Hoàng Xuân Chiến emphasised that international integration and defence diplomacy should focus on a number of key solutions. Attention should be paid to keeping a close watch on the international and regional situation, non-traditional security challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Along with the effective implementation of existing cooperation agreements and mechanisms with other countries, Việt Nam needs to continue to study and expand appropriate defence cooperation relations and areas, focusing on improving the efficiency of border diplomacy, the law enforcement at sea and overcoming war consequences, he said. — VNS


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