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15th NA’s Standing Committee starts its 10th session

The 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 15th National Assembly (NA) opened on Thursday, discussing important issues ahead of the NA agenda planned for May 23.

NA chairman Vương Đình Huệ speaks at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 15th National Assembly on Thursday. — VNA/VNS Photo

Speaking at the session, NA chairman Vương Đình Huệ said agencies had completed law-building tasks early, made proposed laws and ordinances and added to the law-building programme for this year and next.

During the 7.5-day session, lawmakers will discuss the law-building programme for next year and an adjusted programme for this year, a proposed NA’s Resolution on special mechanisms and policies for the central province of Khánh Hoà as well as five proposed bills including oil and gas (revised), domestic violence prevention and control (revised) and inspection (revised).

Lawmakers also plan to promulgate the decree on personal data protection, give opinions on a number of reports on socio-economic affairs, particularly regarding credit institutions’ handling of bad debts; the 2020 State finance report; and the capital allocation plan for projects under the socio-economic recovery and development programme.

Huệ said that legal documents that the NA and its Standing Committee passed recently saw an improvement in both number and quality.

Especially the quickly passed documents that effectively serve the COVID-19 prevention and control activities, the national post-COVID economic recovery, and key national projects.

“Institutional bottlenecks have been solved, which pave the way for further development of Việt Nam,” Huệ said.

Huệ asked NA Standing Committee to carefully examine draft bills and prepare a law-building programme so that the drafts could be qualified to be introduced to the NA agenda and they would be given to NA deputies on time.

“If any bills failed to meet requirements, they should not be introduced to the next agenda of the NA,” Huệ said.

Regarding the draft resolution on special mechanisms for Khánh Hoà Province, Huệ emphasised the important role of the province in national socio-economic development and defence.

He called on lawmakers to comment on specific policies and mechanisms, especially those that were offered to other localities.

The NA Standing Committee would also consider extending the validity of the NA’s resolution on handling credit institutions’ bad debts – Resolution 42/2017/QH14.

According to the committee, the resolution dated five years ago generated positive results in handling bad debts of credit institutions together with credit institutions’ reforms and tackling banks with poor performance.

Regarding the issuance of the Decree on personal data protection, Huệ said that it was the content that is affected by the subjects with great attention from people, businesses, and local and international organisations.

“The content has an important and sensitive nature that affects citizens' rights. Therefore, it is necessary to consider carefully and take great responsibility,” Huệ said, adding that the process to develop that law project must strictly follow the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents; review the requirements, scientific basis, and practice.

“If it is not qualified or clear enough, it should not be introduced for discussion on the NA agenda,” he said. — VNS


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